Friday, January 1, 2010

round green orb

Would you be surprised when start discovering them on your photos?
Start looking, they are all around you.
Send them, post them, link them.

What is orbs hierarchy by shape and colour?
Can you read symbols inside them?
Who can?

Can you help me find out those answers?

Croped of lower picture

hexagonal orbs & white round orbs

Why are they here with us?
Why are they showing up?
Are we driven?
What is our mission?

Grotto Canyon 9

Grotto Canyon 8

Grotto Canyon 7

Grotto Canyon 6

Grotto Canyon 5

Grotto Canyon 4

Grotto Canyon 3

Grotto Canyon 2

Grotto Canyon 10

Grotto Canyon 1

round and hex green orb

GC orb 2

GC orb 1

Do you believe?

Angels & Higher Souls
Energy flow


What is the purpose of bringing these photos to public?
Curiosity, yes.
Experience sharing, yes.
So feel free to comment refer and share experiences.

Greetings to All of you.

K-Country Crop of No 4

K-Country No 4

K-Country No 3

K-Country No 2

K-Country No 1